Remaining calm after an accident is very important. Check yourself over for any signs of injury. If you have someone in the car with you, check on them, too. Then you should make the necessary calls for an ambulance and the police. The accident may be deemed as a minor one, but you should still inform the police about it.
Getting all the facts and sticking to them would benefit you when you later have to deal with the police and the insurance people later. See if there are witnesses who could help out and also make a note of all the injuries that passengers and drivers sustained, as well as the damages suffered by the involved vehicles.
The cause of the auto accident is going to be called into question and this could very well dictate the tenor of how the accident will be handled later on. If you are found to be drinking under the influence of alcohol, you will most likely be charged with a drunken driving charge. The insurance people will also take that into consideration once you make your claims with them. If the shoe is on the other foot and it is the other driver who was drunk, you are entitled to do the filing of charges and suing for damages.
Whichever side you are on, it is important for you to have a good attorney. If you are charged with drunken driving, you would have to look for a DUI lawyer to handle your case. On the other hand, if you are injured or your car has been totaled or damaged, a personal injury lawyer is the one you should seek.
A reduction of your charges for drunken driving, or a complete dismissal thereof, is what a DUI lawyer will try to aim for once you engage his services. The things you should look for in a DUI lawyer include extensive experience, skill and competence, and an impressive track record and success rate with DUI cases. In the event that your case will be brought to trial, he should also be able to rise up to the occasion.
You will be able to find an auto accident lawyer among personal injury lawyers. They provide legal representation to clients who suffered physical or psychological injury, in this case, caused by the negligent acts of another driver in an auto accident. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you will be able to receive compensation for your losses, including pain and suffering caused by the injury, loss of income due to your inability to work after the auto accident, medical expenses you have and will be incurring, as well as the emotional distress and trauma. You will also most likely need his services when you have to file for a claim for car insurance.
Looking for a personal injury lawyer is not at all different from the steps and considerations you take in finding a DUI attorney. Look at his credentials and his performance record, which are indicators of his skills and competence as a lawyer.
An auto accident happening to you does not mean your chances are all grim. Just keep a level head and go to the professionals for help.
Auto Accident Attorney Incline Village