Friday 6 April 2012

What to do once caught in an auto accident

The moment you get caught in an auto accident, see to it that any car damage will be covered by immediately filing an insurance claim.

In life so many unexpected events occur every now and then. You may have woken up to a bad morning and then you find that the day just keeps getting worse and worse. What looks like a bad morning at work, because you will just be aggravated when you meet an auto accident. In such cases, one of the first reactions of people is to panic and lose control of the situation. But that's the last thing you should do.

If the auto accident happened through no fault on your part and you sustained injuries that requires medical attention and your car sustained damages, you wouldn't have to shell out a cent for your medical bills and the car repair costs. If it is the other party involved in the auto accident who was at fault and you obeyed the traffic rules and regulations, you can make his insurance company pay for all the subsequent costs. You can claim for personal injury and various other types of damages.

Now-a-days, rental, medical and auto insurance are only a few of many types of insurance that people pay for. Settlements for all kinds of personal injuries can now be directly paid by these insurance companies. The courts have absolutely no influence in this transaction. The transaction takes place solely between the insurance company and the victim. If the insurance company rejects the claim, then it can be considered legally and you can make an appeal to the court.

Some people believe that insurance companies readily pay out claims as soon as auto accidents occur. It doesn't work that way. The process is quite long-winded. After the incident is reported to the insurance company, the insurance agents will perform an extensive research on this incident.

If they find out that it wasn't through a mistake you made, you will not get a cent of the insurance amount. If you can't present competent and reliable evidence to back up your claims, you won't see a single cent of the settlement amount. For instance, let us say you reported to the insurance company that the tires have been damaged. You won't be paid the insurance money if the research conducted by the insurance company reveals that your tires have only been recently damaged. Even some medical conditions presented as personal injuries will not be honored. It may be that you have been suffering from back pain for years now. Any claims you make regarding back injuries after an auto accident has happened will not be accepted by the insurance company. The insurance company will also refuse any claims for personal injuries sustained from an auto accident, when it is found out to be from a pre-existing medical condition.

You need to have proper proof to justify all your statements. It does not even matter if your claims are true or not, as long as you can convince the insurance company and you have persuasive evidence to back it up.

The amount of money that will be paid as settlement will be lower than the insurance policy of the other party. Not all insurance policy limits will be the same. Some policy limits could go as low as 25,000 US dollars while others could reach 200,000 US dollars. In order to avoid litigation costs and other expenses, settlements will be made out of court.

Recommended links:

Auto Accident Lawyer Incline Village

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