Friday 14 September 2012

Drug Issue And Substance Abuse - How To Fight Them

Recent years have shown how much drug issues have negatively affected our culture and modern society as a whole. This springs form the fact that with modernization things are always evolving with new stuff coming into the global scene. Hence, drugs too have taken a turn for the worse. The variations of drugs is high, and people have learnt and developed ingenious ways of achieve the optimum high from the least of drugs available. Substance abuse, indeed, is already deeply ingrained into modern society and there seems to be no escaping it. Despite the fact that society knows how bad this vice is, very little is done to actually deal with it and kick it into oblivion. Death, if not addiction, is the ultimate end of anyone who makes the mistake of venturing into this territory. Alcohol, for one, has earned worldwide recognition, thanks to the many product and brand variations. But the consumption of alcohol has reached excesses that could only be qualified as alcohol addiction and soon many people find that they could not last a day without an infusion of it. Society now looks on at alcoholism, or addiction to and abuse of alcohol as a major problem. Yet the law does not have parameters that will put a drunkard person behind bars unless he or she exhibits unacceptable social conduct or endangers his or her life. Hard drugs are the ones that bring up the real colors of this awareness and fight against substance abuse. All over the world, these drugs are declared illegal or unlawful. That does not, however, stop this from being such a lucrative business. The fact that a small dose of these drugs can cost so much does not stop the drug users and abusers from doing all they can just to purchase them. Cocaine, meth, heroin, are just some of the common hard substances abused today. You will find that the ones responsible for the mass distribution of these substances across the globe are often billion dollar companies. Cigarettes, for example, have the addictive component known as nicotine in them. This is a powerful enough substance that could muddle the brain of the users. In addition, complications such as cancer could also result. In some countries' war against tobacco smoking, they take measures such as public burning of piles and piles of cigarettes, just to get the message across. There have been moves to make the rules and laws applied to marijuana also applicable to cigarettes. The overall fight against most of the substances abused today is not flung directly against the users, or the intermediate merchants (drug peddlers). It is more bent on going after the big companies, or the big "fish", as they are called. But all those efforts are always stonewalled and getting little headway because these big fish have friends or connections who are among the authorities who are supposed to be the one enforcing it. It is no wonder then that many social and civic groups are attacking this problem from a different direction. Their method now involves making more and more people become aware of how drug use and abuse will be impacting the individuals and society as a whole.
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