Monday 1 October 2012

Know The Options Available To You In The Aftermath Of An Auto Accident

You may think that if you have an auto accident insurance, you are fully protected. Are you sure about that? Remember that your accident will not be prevented simply because you have an auto insurance. It comes into play after the fact, when the accident has already occurred and you need something like a cushion from the financial fallout that is bound to ensue. There are other variables affecting your safety and that of your passengers and your car. They should be looked into. Your judgment will be shot after you've been involved in an accident. You won't be able to think straight because of the shock, the trauma, and the adrenaline coursing through you. You should never underestimate the advantage of being prepared once you are caught in an accident. You should always have on hand in your car the two triangles that serve as warning signs and placed 5 meters from the car during an accident. Using flares would also be a good idea. You might want to help out the other party or see if there are other victims after the accident. Before you jump to the task, however, you should first calm yourself down and regain your breath. Do not exit the car without making sure that the car hazard indicators are still on, particularly if the engine is still running. Then you will put up your warning signs. If you got involved in a multiple car accident, you have to put up the warning triangles before calling the police and for medical assistance. Once you've done this, that's the only time you can go off and check on the other cars. By this time the ambulance should be on its way. What you should do is check on the other occupants and see if they have sustained injuries that must be looked at immediately. It could be that you will not be able to secure those who are in bad shape by yourself. You'd have to wait for the medical personnel to do it since they know more what to do. During this time, do not leave the victims in the car. Another sign of preparedness would be keeping a medical manual in the car at all times. The brief insights the manual provides might prove to be all that is standing between a life saved and a life lost, especially during the interval where you are waiting for medical personnel to arrive. You are not supposed to move the car even if it is needed so you can save someone's life. The police will have to come and take a statement and pictures of the situation. As you offer help to the others who are involved in the accident, leave the car where it is. Being prepared is not the only thing you should be. You should also be alert. You would be well advised to take careful note of the details about the other car or cars who were involved in the same accident. There are times and situations where people involved in the accident simply want to be done with the whole thing. Thus, they reach an agreement between and amongst themselves and simply agree on making financial reparations. However, you need to take note of everything if the situation in bad. Let the police handle the whole situation instead of jumping into the fray. Exercise your right to remain silent until you can give a proper statement to the proper authorities. Once you are done with the police, been given medical attention and pretty much done with details at the scene of the auto accident, it is now time to contact your insurance agency and tell them about what had happened. Recommonded Links: Auto Accident Attorney Lake Tahoe

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