Friday 12 October 2012

Winning Criminal Defense Strategies That You Should Know About

The mental acuity and correctness of lawyers, as well as their gift with making use of words, would be a huge factor that makes up an effective and winning strategy in criminal defense in any courtroom in the land. Criminal cases tend to be tricky, depending on the nature of the accusations; hence, strategies of criminal defense will vary. Just because one strategy was extremely successful in clearing one case, it does not mean that you can use it for another criminal case.

Top most strategy lies in the speaking the truth, meaning the client has to tell the attorney the truth of the facts of the case. Now, you can say that the truth can have many versions, and the attorney and client will work around that. An example we could look into is a murder case. The client may have done it due to excessive provocation, or in self-defense when attacked. These truths can be very useful when the attorney and the client are working out how to come up with a defense that could help him get an acquittal.
The truth will have three elements in which the attorney will push the client to stick to just one and win the case. The lawyer will delve deeper into the reasons that resulted to the events that transpired if the client admits to the crime. If the client insists on his innocence, facts that would support his innocence will be looked for by the lawyer. The third element would have the client admitting at least that he saw the crime take place and he was there on a partial capacity. Despite that, he denies having been involved in the crime being dealt with. The theoretical framework of the entire defense will rely heavily on how these three variations of the truth will be put into play.
Next, comparisons will have to be made by the lawyer, drawing from the facts as stated by the client and the police report and other supporting statements gathered by the authorities. Loopholes will be sought out in this stage, and it is also a good way for the lawyer to see the weakness in the police statements that he could capitalize on for his defense. Here, the lawyer will be able to use the actual facts that he has gathered to develop a strong theoretical defense that will set his client free. The prosecutor's assertions will be disputed and discredited. Often, the prosecution's claims or words could even be used against them, allowing the defense a positive turnaround.
Here is another strategy: let the accused know all there is to know about the defense. Here, the client would have to agree to bend and twist the truth a bit. In order to avoid jeopardizing the defense, he should then avoid telling any lies that could do that. Some coaching will be required where the client will be told exactly what would happen when they take the stand and what they will say. The lawyer will subject the client to mock interviews and cross-examinations. He will act as the prosecution and ask the questions that are sure to crop up during the trial. As far as solid criminal defense goes, having a consistent and credible story is very important. You will be able to establish consistency if you do these practices.
Recommended Links:
 Criminal Defense Lawyer Sparks

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